Saturday, November 20, 2010

I hope you're happy. No, really!

Sarcasm is as much a skill as it is a crutch. I use it even when I know I shouldn't, when I am painfully aware that I am coming across poorly, or in a way I do not wish to be painted. It happens. To all of us, really. And most phrases can go either way--sarcastic or sincere--the inflection and tone of one's voice is the difference between the two.

What about the phrase: "I hope you're happy."

It came up while I was working several days ago and it has stuck with me. Say it aloud. Okay, how does it sound? Do you sound like you mean it? Or do you sound like a complete and total ass? Yes, keep saying it, let's try to work on your level of sincerity. Try out different tones of voice, try adding emphasis on different words, play with it a little.

I hope you're happy.
I hope you're happy.
I hope you're happy. (My personal favorite)
I hope you're happy.

The first two seem the most benign, the final two are, inarguably, the most blatantly evil. My personal preference is cut and dry sarcasm: I hope you're happy [because I am angry as hell]. Honorable mention for I hope you're happy [because you effed up BIG, my friend].

If there is one solely insincere phrase, there must be more.

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